Graduate Grading Scale

A 90-100 4.0
B 80-89.99 3.0
C 70-79.99 2.0
F 69.99 & below 0
I Incomplete (No effect on grade point average)
NG No Grade reported per instructor at the time grades are due (No effect on grade point average)
R Repeated course (See the below Course Repeat section; No effect on grade point average.)
SP Satisfactory Progress (No effect on grade point average)
W Withdrawal prior to mid-term (No effect on grade point average)
WF Withdrawal failing at or following mid-term
WP Withdrawal passing at or following mid-term (No effect on grade point average)

Incomplete Grade

An incomplete grade (“I”) is a temporary grade which may be given at the instructor's discretion to a student when illness, necessary absence, or other reasons beyond the control of the student prevent completion of course requirements by the end of the academic term. Students may request a grade of incomplete by following the below procedure/guidelines:

  1. The instructor recommends to the dean the limit for the length of time to complete the Incomplete. This time may not extend beyond the published end of the following fall, spring, or summer semesters in the Academic Calendar (
  2. Students must request an Incomplete prior to the last day of the term as listed on the Academic Calendar (
  3. Students must submit the Incomplete Grade Request Form to the course faculty. If students do not complete the required work in the agreed upon timeframe, the grade will revert to an “F.”

Grade Reports

Grade reports are available online through the EMPOWER ME link. Grade reports may not be available to students with outstanding account balances.

Course Grade Appeal

Students may appeal a grade only in cases where they believe:

  • the instructor has made an error in calculating a final grade
  • the instructor has issued a grade outside of grading procedures outlined in the syllabus

Students disputing a course grade may submit an appeal following the process below. If students do not follow the timeline outlined below the appeal may be denied.

  1. Initiate a good faith discussion with the instructor of the course within ten business days following the semester.
    1. If the good faith discussion resolves the matter with a grade change, the instructor must submit a Change of Grade Form to the Office of Student Records.
    2. If the discussion does not resolve the matter, the student may initiate step 2 below.
  2. Within five business days from the date of the good faith discussion with the instructor, the student must submit the following to the program director (For general education subject areas (ex. English) there is no program director; the student may proceed to step 3):
    • A Course Grade Appeal Form;
    • A written statement indicating the following:
      • Date of good faith discussion with instructor,
      • Reason for further appeal, and
      • Desired outcome;
    • Any documentation supporting claims in the written statement
    1. The program director or student may request a meeting to discuss the appeal with the parties involved.
    2. The program director will issue a written decision to the student and instructor.
      1. If the program director’s decision resolves the matter, all documents including a Change of Grade Form if necessary, must be submitted to the Office of Student Records.
      2. If the matter is not resolved, the student or instructor may initiate step 3 below.
  3. Within ten business days from the date of the program director’s decision, the student or instructor must submit the following to the dean:
    • All prior documentation,
    • The written response of the program director,
    • A written statement indicating the reason for disagreement with the prior decision, and
    • Any documentation supporting claims in the written statement
    1. The dean may request a meeting to discuss the appeal with the parties involved.
    2. The dean will issue a written decision to the student, instructor, and program director.
      1. If the dean’s decision resolves the matter, all documents including a Change of Grade Form if necessary, must be submitted to the Office of Student Records.
      2. If the matter is not resolved, the program director, student, or instructor may initiate step 4 below.
  4. Within ten business days from the date of the dean’s decision the student must submit the following to the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty:
    • All prior documentation,
    • The written response of the dean,
    • A written statement indicating the reason for disagreement with the prior decision, and
    • Any documentation supporting claims in the written statement
    1. The Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty may request a meeting to discuss the appeal with the parties involved.
    2. The Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty will issue a written decision to the dean, student, instructor, and program director. The decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty is final.
    3. The Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty’s decision and all documents, including a Change of Grade Form if necessary, must be submitted to the Office of Student Records.

The College will make every reasonable effort to complete the appeal process within a reasonable timeframe.

If the course instructor is the program director or dean to whom the appeal is being submitted, the student may skip to the next step.